
Amal Clooney Weight, Age, Measurements, Height, Diet And Exercise

There are few public figures who can boast both brains and beauty, but Amal Clooney is certainly one of them. The human rights lawyer has made a name for herself both in and out of the courtroom, and her style choices always seem to make headlines. Recently, though, it’s her weight that’s been getting attention.

Clooney was photographed looking thinner than usual while on vacation with husband George Clooney, sparking speculation about whether or not she’s lost too much weight.

There’s no doubt that Amal Clooney is one of the most beautiful women in the world. But what is her secret to staying in shape? For starters, Amal Clooney weight is something she watches closely.

The human rights lawyer and mother of two recently told Vogue UK that she weighs herself every day. “I have to be honest, I’m quite strict with myself,” she said. “I weigh myself every morning.”

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But it’s not just about weight for Amal Clooney. The 39-year-old also makes sure to get plenty of exercise, even if it means working out at odd hours. “I try and do some form of exercise every day, even if it’s just a 20-minute run or a few laps in the pool,” she said.

And when it comes to diet, Amal Clooney is all about moderation. She told Vogue UK that she doesn’t deprive herself of anything, but she also doesn’t go overboard. “I eat pretty much everything,” she said.

“I don’t deny myself anything.” So there you have it: Amal Clooney’s secrets to staying in shape are weighing herself regularly, exercising often, and eating moderate portions of healthy food. Sounds like a recipe for success to us!

What Size is Amal Clooney?

There is no definitive answer when it comes to Amal Clooney’s size. However, based on multiple reports and photographs, it is estimated that she stands at around 5’7″ tall and weighs approximately 115 pounds. Her exact measurements are unknown, but her slim build and long legs give the impression that she is a smaller frame than average.

Clooney typically dresses in classic and sophisticated styles which also contributes to the illusion of being petite. Overall, her small stature makes her appear very graceful and elegant.

How Old was Amal Clooney When She Met George Clooney?

Amal Clooney was 36 years old when she met George Clooney. The two were introduced by a mutual friend, and they began dating shortly after. Since then, the couple has been married for over four years and they have twins together.

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Amal Clooney Age

George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin’s love story is one for the ages. The couple, who wed in September 2014, first met in 2013 at a charity function. Alamuddin, a British-Lebanese lawyer, was attending the event with a friend when she was introduced to Clooney.

The rest, as they say, is history. Alamuddin may be best known for her work as an international human rights lawyer, but she’s also an accomplished author and lecturer. She has penned articles for publications like Time magazine and Foreign Policy, and has taught courses on international law at Columbia University and NYU School of Law.

Clooney is no slouch either when it comes to his resume. In addition to being one of Hollywood’s most beloved actors, he’s also a director, producer, and screenwriter. He’s won two Academy Awards (for Best Supporting Actor in Syriana and Best Picture for Argo) and has been nominated for four Golden Globes (winning three).

The pair are often referred to as one of Hollywood’s power couples, and they use their platform to advocate for various causes close to their hearts. Clooney is a vocal supporter of the fight against genocide in Sudan’s Darfur region, while Alamuddin works on cases involving war crimes and child soldiers. So how old is Amal Clooney?

She was born on February 3rd, 1978 , making her 41 years old . That means that she’s 12 years younger than her husband George , who turns 53 this May . The couple have twins together , Alexander and Ella , who were born in June 2017 .

How Old was Amal Clooney When She Got Married

When Amal Clooney got married in September of 2014, she was 36 years old. George Clooney was 53 at the time. The couple had been dating for about a year and a half before they got engaged, and they were married less than seven months after that.

Amal is actually George’s second wife; he was previously married to actress Talia Balsam from 1989 to 1993. George has said that he didn’t think he would ever get married again after his first divorce, but meeting Amal changed his mind. He has also said that he knew she was “special” from the moment they met.

George and Amal have been happily married for over four years now, and they have twins together who are almost two years old. It seems like this unlikely couple is here to stay!

Amal Clooney Diet And Exercise

When it comes to looking like a superstar, Amal Clooney takes her diet and exercise seriously. The human rights lawyer and mother of two maintains her slim figure with the help of healthy eating habits and regular workout routines. Here’s a closer look at what Amal Clooney eats in a day and how she stays in shape.

For breakfast, Amal Clooney enjoys eggs cooked in olive oil with spinach leaves. She also likes to drink freshly squeezed orange juice and eat whole wheat toast with avocado spread. For lunch, Clooney typically has grilled chicken or fish with vegetables.

And for dinner, she’ll have something light like pasta with tomatoes or salmon. As for exercise, Clooney makes sure to get in at least 45 minutes of cardio every day – whether that’s going for a run, doing an elliptical workout, or playing tennis. She also strength trains twice a week and does yoga regularly.

All of this helps her maintain her enviable figure and keep her energy levels up.


Amal Clooney, wife of actor George Clooney, is known for her impeccable style. But she’s also known for her weight fluctuation. In a new blog post, Amal opens up about her body confidence struggles and how she’s learned to love her body no matter what the scale says.

“For years, I was hard on myself because I didn’t fit into the mold of what society said was ‘acceptable,'” Amal writes. “I was too thin, then I was too curvy, then I wasn’t tall enough.”

But eventually, Amal realized that she was never going to be anyone but herself. And that’s when she started to love her body – flaws and all. “Nowadays, I don’t obsess about my weight,” she says.

“I know that my husband loves me no matter what size I am.” Amal goes on to say that every woman deserves to feel confident in her own skin. “We are all beautiful – no matter our dress size or pant size,” she writes.

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