
How to Bring down a Fever

A fever is a temporary increase in your body temperature, usually in response to an illness. Although a fever can make you feel uncomfortable, it is a normal and beneficial response by your body to fight infection. In most cases, you can treat a fever at home with rest, hydration, and over-the-counter medications.

However, there are some situations where you should see a doctor for a fever.

  • Check the person’s temperature with a thermometer
  • If the person has a fever, wait 30 minutes and check their temperature again
  • If the person’s fever does not go down after 30 minutes, give them acetaminophen or ibuprofen to reduce the fever
  • Have the person drink plenty of fluids and rest until their fever goes down

How to Bring down a Fever in a Child

If your child has a fever, it can be a worrying time. Fevers are a common occurrence in childhood, and usually aren’t cause for concern. They’re usually caused by minor illnesses, such as colds or stomach bugs.

Most fevers will go away on their own within a few days. There are some simple things you can do to help bring your child’s fever down and make them feel more comfortable. Give them lots of fluids: offer water, fruit juices or soup regularly to avoid dehydration.

Dress them in light clothing: this will help regulate their body temperature. Sponging with lukewarm water: soak a cloth in lukewarm water and sponge your child’s forehead, neck and armpits to help cool them down ( don’t use ice-cold water as this can make them shiver). Turn off the covers: remove any excess bedding so they don’t overheat during the night.

Paracetamol: give children aged over two months paracetamol if they’re distressed or in pain from their fever (never give aspirin to children under 16). Ibuprofen: give ibuprofen to children aged three months or over if they’re in pain from their fever (check the dosage instructions for how much to give based on your child’s weight and age). If your child has a high fever (above 38C) that lasts longer than three days, is accompanied by other symptoms such as convulsions or drowsiness, or you’re worried for any other reason, speak to your GP or call NHS 111 for advice.

How to Bring down Fever in Adults

If you’re feeling feverish, there are a few things you can do to bring down your temperature and feel better. First, drink lots of fluids. Fever can cause dehydration, so it’s important to stay hydrated by drinking water, juice, or broth.

You can also take a lukewarm bath or shower to help lower your body temperature. If you have aches and pains associated with your fever, over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help. Just be sure not to exceed the recommended dosage.

Finally, rest is important when you’re fighting a fever. Get plenty of sleep and take it easy until your fever goes away.

How to Reduce Fever at Home for Adults

If you’re feeling feverish, there are a few things you can do at home to help bring your temperature down. Adult fevers usually aren’t cause for concern unless they’re above 103°F (39.4°C) or accompanied by other symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, or severe headache. If your fever is mild and doesn’t seem to be getting worse, try these simple tips:

Drink lots of fluids. Fever can cause dehydration, so it’s important to drink plenty of water, juice, and clear broth. Avoid caffeinated beverages like coffee and soda, which can make dehydration worse.

Rest as much as possible. Getting rest will help your body focus its energy on fighting the infection causing your fever. Take a lukewarm bath or shower.

This will help bring your body temperature down and make you feel more comfortable. Avoid extremely hot baths or showers, which could actually increase your body temperature. Use a humidifier .

A humidifier can add moisture to the air and help reduce congestion and coughing associated with a cold or the flu. Just be sure to clean it regularly to avoid mold growth . With these simple tips , most adults can safely treat their fever at home .

However , if your fever is very high ( above 103°F ) , lasts more than three days , or is accompanied by severe symptoms , it’s time to see a doctor .

How to Get Rid of a Fever in 24 Hours

If you’re looking to get rid of a fever in 24 hours, there are a few things you can do. For starters, drink plenty of fluids. This will help your body sweat out the fever and flush it from your system.

You can also take a lukewarm bath or use a cool compress to reduce your body temperature. Finally, make sure to rest as much as possible so your body can focus on healing itself.

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How to Reduce Fever at Home

A fever is your body’s way of fighting off infection, so it’s actually a good thing. However, a fever can also make you feel pretty lousy. If your temperature is over 101°F (38.3°C), you may be uncomfortable and want to bring it down.

There are several ways to reduce a fever at home: 1) Drink lots of fluids. Water, juice, and clear soups will help prevent dehydration.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can make dehydration worse. 2) Take a cool bath or shower. This will help bring down your overall body temperature.

3) Dress in light clothing and use light covers when you sleep. You want to avoid getting too hot or cold, which can make a fever worse. 4) Place a cool compress on your forehead or neck for 20 minutes at a time.

A cloth dampened with cool water works well, or you can use a commercial product like FeverCool® pads . Do not put ice directly on the skin as this can cause frostbite .

How to Bring down a Fever


What Helps Bring a Fever Down?

There are many ways to bring a fever down, but the most effective way is to use medication. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen are two common medications that can be used to lower a fever. There are also other methods such as using a cold compress or taking a lukewarm bath.

Ibuprofen works by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins, which are hormones that play a role in inflammation. Acetaminophen works by reducing the amount of heat produced by the body. Using a cold compress or taking a lukewarm bath can also help to lower your body temperature.

It is important to make sure that you do not make yourself too cold, as this can actually cause your body temperature to rise further.

When is a Fever Too High?

A fever is a symptom of an underlying medical condition. It occurs when the body’s temperature rises above its normal set point. A fever can be caused by infection, inflammation, or cancer.

In some cases, a fever may be the result of an allergic reaction or a side effect of medication. Most fevers are not harmful and will resolve on their own with rest and fluids. However, in some cases, a fever can indicate a serious underlying medical condition that requires treatment.

If your fever is accompanied by other symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, or headache, you should seek medical attention immediately. Generally speaking, a fever is considered to be too high when it reaches 103°F (39°C) or higher. At this temperature, the body’s ability to fight infection is impaired and more severe health problems can develop.

If you have a high fever, you should see your doctor to determine the cause and receive appropriate treatment.

Is There a Way to Break a Fever?

Yes, there are ways to break a fever. Some people may try home remedies like drinking lots of fluids, taking a lukewarm bath, or placing a cold, damp cloth on their forehead. However, these methods may only help to lower the body temperature temporarily and are not proven to actually break the fever.

Medications like acetaminophen and ibuprofen can help to reduce fevers by decreasing inflammation. In severe cases, hospitalization and intravenous fluids may be necessary.

How Do You Break a Fever Naturally?

There are a few ways to break a fever naturally. The first is to drink lots of fluids. This will help to flush the toxins out of your system and help to bring your temperature down.

You can also take a lukewarm bath or shower, which will help to lower your body temperature. Finally, make sure to dress in light clothing and keep yourself cool as much as possible.


If you or your child has a fever, there are several things you can do to bring it down. You can give them acetaminophen or ibuprofen, both of which will help reduce the fever. You can also put them in a lukewarm bath or use a cool compress on their forehead.

Make sure they drink plenty of fluids and get rest. If the fever doesn’t come down after 24 hours or if it gets worse, call your doctor.

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