
How to Fix Astigmatism

To fix astigmatism, glasses with a cylindrical lens can be used. These glasses compensate for the uneven curves in the cornea or lens.

Individuals with severe astigmatism may find glasses more suitable than contact lenses.

Understanding Astigmatism

What Is Astigmatism?

Astigmatism is a vision problem that occurs when the cornea or lens of the eye has an irregular shape. Instead of being round like a basketball, the cornea is shaped more like a football, causing blurred vision at all distances. It is a common visual impairment and can occur in combination with other refractive errors such as nearsightedness or farsightedness.

Causes And Risk Factors

Astigmatism can be caused by both genetic and environmental factors. Some individuals may be born with astigmatism, while others may develop it later in life due to eye injuries, certain eye diseases, or undergoing eye surgery. Additionally, certain risk factors such as a family history of astigmatism, eye conditions such as keratoconus, and using poorly fitting contact lenses can increase the likelihood of developing astigmatism.

Symptoms And Diagnosis Of Astigmatism

The symptoms of astigmatism can vary depending on the severity of the condition. Common signs include blurred or distorted vision, eye strain or discomfort, headaches, and difficulty seeing at night. To diagnose astigmatism, an eye care professional will conduct a comprehensive eye examination that includes testing visual acuity, measuring corneal curvature, and assessing the overall health of the eyes.

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Common Signs And Symptoms

  • Blurred or distorted vision
  • Eye strain or discomfort
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty seeing at night

How Is Astigmatism Diagnosed?

Astigmatism is diagnosed through a comprehensive eye examination performed by an optometrist or ophthalmologist. The examination may include the following tests:

  1. Visual acuity test: Measures how well you can see at different distances using an eye chart.
  2. Refraction test: Determines the exact prescription needed to correct your vision.
  3. Keratometry: Measures the curvature of the cornea using a specialized instrument.
  4. Corneal topography: Creates a detailed map of the cornea’s shape and curvature.

These tests help determine the severity and type of astigmatism, allowing the eye care professional to develop an appropriate treatment plan.

Corrective Lenses For Astigmatism

Glasses For Astigmatism

Glasses are one of the most common and effective ways to correct astigmatism. They contain a cylindrical lens that compensates for the uneven curves in your cornea or lens. This helps to improve vision clarity and reduce discomfort caused by astigmatism. Glasses are especially recommended for people with a severe astigmatism who may find it more challenging to wear contact lenses.

How Do Glasses Correct Astigmatism?

When you have astigmatism, the front surface of your eye (cornea) or lens is not perfectly round. Instead, it has an irregular shape, causing blurry or distorted vision. The cylindrical lens in glasses corrects this by counteracting the irregularities in the cornea or lens, allowing light to focus properly on the retina. This results in clearer vision and improved visual acuity.

Choosing The Right Frame And Lens Options

When selecting glasses for astigmatism, it’s essential to choose the right frame and lens options that suit your needs. Here are a few factors to consider:

  • Frame style: Choose a frame that fits comfortably and securely on your face. Consider the shape of your face and personal preferences when selecting a frame style.
  • Lens material: Opt for high-quality lenses that offer clarity and durability. Common lens materials include plastic, polycarbonate, and high-index lenses.
  • Lens coating: Consider adding coatings, such as anti-reflective coating or scratch-resistant coating, to enhance the performance and longevity of your lenses.
  • Prescription accuracy: Ensure that your prescription accurately reflects your astigmatism correction needs. Regular eye examinations are crucial to determine the optimal prescription.

Contact Lenses For Astigmatism

While glasses are a popular choice for astigmatism correction, contact lenses can also be a viable option. Contact lenses for astigmatism are known as toric lenses. These lenses are specially designed to align with the irregular shape of the cornea, providing clear vision. Toric lenses come in various types to cater to different preferences and needs.

Types Of Contact Lenses For Astigmatism

There are different types of contact lenses available for astigmatism correction:

Toric soft lenses Toric gas-permeable lenses Hybrid lenses Scleral lenses
Soft contact lenses that are specially designed to accommodate astigmatism, providing comfortable and clear vision. Rigid gas-permeable lenses that correct astigmatism by maintaining a consistent shape on the cornea for improved visual acuity. Contact lenses that combine the features of soft and gas-permeable lenses for enhanced comfort and clear vision. Larger lenses that vault over the cornea, providing clear vision for individuals with severe astigmatism.

Tips For Wearing Toric Lenses

Here are some tips to ensure a successful wearing experience with toric contact lenses:

  1. Follow the prescribed wearing schedule provided by your eye care professional.
  2. Properly clean and store your lenses to maintain their hygiene and longevity.
  3. Avoid rubbing your eyes vigorously to prevent lens displacement.
  4. Ensure your lenses are inserted correctly to align with the astigmatism correction.
  5. Regularly visit your eye care professional for check-ups and adjustments if needed.

Surgical Options For Astigmatism Correction

Lasik Surgery For Astigmatism

A popular surgical option for astigmatism correction is LASIK surgery. LASIK, which stands for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, is a procedure that reshapes the cornea to correct refractive errors. It is a quick and effective procedure, with a high success rate.

How Does Lasik Correct Astigmatism?

LASIK surgery corrects astigmatism by using a laser to remove small amounts of tissue from the cornea. By reshaping the cornea, the laser corrects the uneven curves that cause astigmatism. This allows light to focus properly on the retina, resulting in clearer vision.

Pros And Cons Of Lasik Surgery

LASIK surgery offers several benefits for astigmatism correction:

  • High success rate: LASIK surgery has a high success rate in correcting astigmatism.
  • Quick procedure: The procedure itself usually takes only a few minutes per eye.
  • Rapid recovery: Most patients experience improved vision within 24 hours and can return to their normal activities within a few days.
  • Reduced dependence on glasses and contact lenses: LASIK surgery can significantly reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses for astigmatism correction.

However, there are some potential drawbacks to consider:

  • Cost: LASIK surgery can be expensive and may not be covered by insurance.
  • Potential risks and complications: As with any surgery, there are potential risks and complications associated with LASIK, such as dry eyes, glare, and halos.
  • Not suitable for everyone: Not everyone is a good candidate for LASIK surgery, and a thorough evaluation by an eye care professional is necessary to determine eligibility.

Prk Surgery For Astigmatism

Another surgical option for astigmatism correction is PRK surgery. PRK, which stands for Photorefractive Keratectomy, is a procedure that also reshapes the cornea to correct astigmatism.

What Is Prk Surgery?

PRK surgery involves removing the outer layer of the cornea, also known as the epithelium, and using a laser to reshape the underlying corneal tissue. The cornea is then left to heal naturally without the need for a corneal flap, which is used in LASIK surgery.

Comparing Prk And Lasik For Astigmatism Correction

Both PRK and LASIK surgeries can effectively correct astigmatism, but there are some differences to consider:

Does not require a corneal flap Requires a corneal flap
Longer recovery time Shorter recovery time
Less risk of certain complications Reduced risk of haze
May be recommended for individuals with thinner corneas or certain occupations Typically suitable for most patients

Ultimately, the choice between PRK and LASIK for astigmatism correction depends on individual factors, including corneal thickness, lifestyle, and preferences. Consulting with an experienced eye care professional is crucial in making an informed decision.

Other Non-surgical Treatments For Astigmatism

Astigmatism, a common vision condition caused by the irregular shape of the cornea or lens, can be corrected through various non-surgical treatments. While glasses and contact lenses are the most popular options, there are other methods available that can help improve astigmatism without the need for surgery. In this section, we will explore two non-surgical treatments for astigmatism: Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) and Vision Therapy.

Orthokeratology (ortho-k) For Astigmatism

Orthokeratology, also known as Ortho-K, is a non-surgical treatment that involves the use of specialized contact lenses to reshape the cornea and correct astigmatism. These lenses are worn overnight, and the reshaping effect provides clear vision during the day without the need for glasses or contacts.

With Ortho-K, the lenses gently reshape the cornea to create a more regular curvature. This helps improve vision clarity and reduces astigmatism. The effects of Ortho-K are temporary and typically last for a day or two, so the lenses need to be worn regularly to maintain the desired results.

What Is Ortho-k?

Ortho-K is a non-surgical treatment for astigmatism that uses specialized contact lenses to reshape the cornea overnight, providing clear vision during the day without the need for glasses or contacts.

How Does Ortho-k Correct Astigmatism?

Ortho-K corrects astigmatism by reshaping the cornea to create a more regular curvature. This improves vision clarity and reduces astigmatism. However, the effects of Ortho-K are temporary and require regular use of the lenses to maintain the desired results.

Vision Therapy For Astigmatism

Vision therapy is another non-surgical treatment option for astigmatism. It is a personalized, supervised program that involves a series of eye exercises and activities designed to improve visual deficiencies, including astigmatism.

During vision therapy, patients work closely with optometrists or other trained professionals who guide them through various exercises to strengthen eye muscles and improve visual skills. These exercises may include focusing exercises, eye tracking activities, and visual memory tasks.

What Is Vision Therapy?

Vision therapy is a personalized, supervised program that involves a series of eye exercises and activities designed to improve visual deficiencies, including astigmatism.

Can Vision Therapy Help Correct Astigmatism?

Yes, vision therapy can help correct astigmatism by strengthening eye muscles and improving visual skills. While it may not completely eliminate astigmatism, it can significantly improve vision clarity and reduce the impact of astigmatism on daily activities.

Please note that the effectiveness of vision therapy may vary from person to person, and it is important to consult with an eye care professional to determine if vision therapy is a suitable option for your specific case of astigmatism.

Lifestyle Changes And Tips For Managing Astigmatism

Eye Exercises And Relaxation Techniques

If you’re looking for natural ways to manage astigmatism, incorporating eye exercises and relaxation techniques into your daily routine can be highly beneficial. These techniques help strengthen the eye muscles and relax the eyes, improving their overall function and reducing astigmatism symptoms.

Recommended Exercises For Astigmatism

Performing specific eye exercises regularly can help alleviate astigmatism-related difficulties. Some recommended exercises include:
  1. Palming: Close your eyes and cover them with your palms, creating a gentle pressure to block out all light. Take a few moments to breathe deeply and relax your eyes.
  2. Focus shifting: Focus on an object at arm’s length and then shift your gaze to an object closer to you. Repeat this exercise several times to improve your eye’s focusing abilities.
  3. Eye rolls: Roll your eyes in a clockwise direction and then switch to counterclockwise. This exercise helps improve eye muscle flexibility.
  4. Figure-eight tracing: Imagine an imaginary figure-eight shape in front of you and trace it with your eyes. This exercise helps enhance eye coordination.
  5. Near and far focusing: Alternate focusing on a nearby object and a distant object to improve your eye’s ability to adjust focus.

Benefits Of Eye Relaxation Techniques

  • Reduced eye strain: Eye relaxation techniques help alleviate the strain caused by continuous focus on screens or close-up work.
  • Improved blood circulation: These techniques promote better blood flow to the eyes, delivering essential nutrients and oxygen for optimal eye health.
  • Enhanced eye muscle flexibility: Regular practice of eye exercises and relaxation techniques helps improve the flexibility and strength of the eye muscles.
  • Stress reduction: By incorporating these techniques into your daily routine, you can effectively reduce overall stress levels, promoting better eye health.

Tips For Preventing Astigmatism Progression

Taking proactive steps to prevent astigmatism progression is essential. Here are some tips to help you maintain healthy eyes and manage astigmatism:
  • Practice proper posture: Maintain good posture to prevent unnecessary strain on your eyes and neck.
  • Take regular breaks from screens: Give your eyes a break every 20 minutes by focusing on an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
  • Ensure proper lighting: Avoid excessive glare and ensure proper lighting conditions when working or reading.
  • Eat a healthy diet: Incorporate foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, to support optimal eye health.
  • Protect your eyes: Wear sunglasses with UV protection, use safety goggles when necessary, and avoid rubbing your eyes excessively.

Proper Eye Care Habits

Establishing proper eye care habits is crucial for managing astigmatism effectively. Follow these practices for optimal eye health:
  • Get regular eye exams: Schedule routine eye exams to detect any changes, monitor your astigmatism, and ensure your corrective lenses are up to date.
  • Clean your contact lenses properly: If you wear contacts, ensure you clean and store them as directed to prevent eye infections.
  • Avoid smoking: Smoking can increase the risk of various eye conditions, including cataracts and macular degeneration. Quitting smoking can help protect your eyes.
By incorporating lifestyle changes, eye exercises, and relaxation techniques into your daily routine, you can effectively manage astigmatism and maintain healthy eyes. Remember to consult with an eye care professional for personalized advice and guidance.
How to Fix Astigmatism


Frequently Asked Questions For How To Fix Astigmatism

How Can I Fix My Astigmatism Naturally?

To fix astigmatism naturally, you can try different eye exercises. Additionally, wearing glasses or contact lenses can correct most cases of astigmatism. Another option is orthokeratology, where rigid contact lenses are worn while sleeping to even out the curvature of the eye.

Can An Astigmatism Be Corrected?

Yes, an astigmatism can be corrected. Glasses or contact lenses containing a cylindrical lens can compensate for the uneven curves in the cornea or lens and improve vision clarity and eye comfort. In some cases, surgical treatments such as LASIK and PRK can also be pursued to change the shape of the cornea and correct refractive errors.

How Can Glasses Fix Astigmatism?

Glasses contain a cylindrical lens that compensates for the uneven curves in your cornea or lens, improving vision clarity and eye comfort. They are a common and effective way to correct astigmatism.

Can Contacts Correct Astigmatism?

Yes, contacts can correct almost all cases of astigmatism. A special type of contact called a toric lens is used to counteract the uneven curves in your eye and provide clear vision. However, people with severe astigmatism may be better suited for glasses instead of contacts.


To correct astigmatism, one of the most common methods is to use glasses that contain a cylindrical lens. These lenses compensate for the uneven curves in the cornea or lens. However, severe cases of astigmatism may be better suited for glasses instead of contacts.

Another option for treating astigmatism is refractive surgery, such as LASIK or PRK, which can change the shape of the cornea. Ultimately, the goal of treating astigmatism is to improve vision clarity and eye comfort. Whether through corrective lenses or surgical interventions, there are effective solutions for addressing astigmatism.

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