
How to Fix Dry Eyes

To fix dry eyes, try using warm compresses or washing your eyelashes. Additionally, make sure to blink more frequently and stay hydrated.

You can also consider using artificial tears periodically throughout the day. Another option is to gently massage your eyes to stimulate the oil glands on the lid margins. It’s important to note that while there is no cure for dry eyes, these treatments can help manage the symptoms.

In some cases, a doctor may recommend an eye procedure or prescribe medication for severe dry eyes.

Causes Of Dry Eyes

Dry eyes can be a bothersome and uncomfortable condition to deal with. It is important to understand the various causes of dry eyes in order to effectively manage and fix the problem. Here are some of the common causes of dry eyes:

Hormonal Changes

Women may experience dry eyes due to hormonal changes that occur during menopause and pregnancy. These hormonal fluctuations can affect the production of tears, leading to dryness and discomfort in the eyes.

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There are several illnesses and medical conditions that can contribute to the development of dry eyes. Some common ones include:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Lupus
  • Graves’ disease
  • Diabetes
  • Scleroderma
  • Sjogren’s syndrome

These conditions can cause inflammation and damage to the tear glands, reducing the production of tears and resulting in dry eyes.

Poor Blinking Habits

Poor blinking habits can also contribute to the development of dry eyes. When we concentrate on tasks such as reading or looking at a computer screen for long periods of time, we tend to blink less frequently. This can lead to the evaporation of tears and dryness in the eyes.

To prevent dry eyes caused by poor blinking habits, it is important to consciously remind ourselves to blink regularly while engaged in such activities.

By understanding the causes of dry eyes, we can take the necessary steps to alleviate the symptoms and improve our eye health. Whether it involves managing hormonal changes, seeking appropriate medical treatment for underlying illnesses, or making simple changes to our blinking habits, addressing the root causes is essential for fixing dry eyes and maintaining optimal eye comfort.

Symptoms Of Dry Eyes


Dryness is one of the most noticeable symptoms of dry eyes. When your eyes lack sufficient moisture, they may feel dry, parched, or gritty. You may experience a constant sensation of having something in your eyes, making it uncomfortable and irritating.


Irritation is another common symptom of dry eyes. Your eyes may feel red, itchy, and sore, making it difficult to focus and concentrate. This irritation can be exacerbated by environmental factors such as wind, smoke, and dry air.


If you have dry eyes, you may notice redness in your eyes. This redness occurs due to the lack of lubrication and the irritation caused by the dryness. It can make your eyes appear bloodshot and tired.

Diagnosing Dry Eyes

When it comes to finding a solution for dry eyes, the first step is to accurately diagnose the issue. Diagnosing dry eyes involves a comprehensive eye examination and specialized tear tests. Let’s take a closer look at these diagnostic methods:

Eye Examination

An eye examination is necessary to determine the underlying cause of your dry eyes. During this examination, an eye care professional will carefully evaluate your eyes, including:

  • Examining your eyelids, cornea, and conjunctiva for any signs of inflammation or damage.
  • Assessing your tear production and quality.
  • Checking for any underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to your dry eyes.

The eye examination is a vital step in understanding the extent of your dry eye condition and developing an appropriate treatment plan.

Tear Tests

Tear tests are essential in diagnosing the specific characteristics of your dry eyes. These tests help determine the quantity and quality of your tears. Some common tear tests include:

Tear Test Description
Schirmer’s Test This test measures the amount of tear production over a specific period by inserting a small strip of filter paper into the lower eyelid.
Break-up Time (BUT) Test This test assesses how quickly your tears evaporate by measuring the time it takes for a special dye to break up on the surface of your eye.
Osmolarity Test This test measures the salt content in your tears, helping identify osmolarity changes that can indicate dry eye syndrome.

Tear tests provide valuable insights into the health of your tears and aid in determining the most suitable treatment options for your dry eyes.

By undergoing a comprehensive eye examination and tear tests, you can gain a better understanding of the underlying causes of your dry eyes. This knowledge will guide you and your eye care professional in developing an effective treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Treatment Options For Dry Eyes

If you’re experiencing dry eyes, there are several treatment options available to help alleviate your symptoms and improve your eye health. From over-the-counter remedies to prescription medications, here are some of the most effective ways to fix dry eyes:

1. Artificial Tears

Artificial tears are one of the most common and accessible treatment options for dry eyes. These over-the-counter eye drops mimic the composition of natural tears, providing immediate relief and lubrication to the eyes. You can use artificial tears periodically throughout the day to keep your eyes hydrated and alleviate dryness.

2. Warm Compresses

Using warm compresses is another effective way to treat dry eyes. Applying a warm washcloth or using a warm eye mask helps to stimulate the oil glands on the lid margins, promoting a healthy tear film and relieving dryness. Simply place the warm compress over your closed eyes for a few minutes, allowing the heat to penetrate and soothe your eyes.

3. Prescription Eye Drops

In some cases, over-the-counter artificial tears may not be enough to manage severe dry eyes. In such instances, your healthcare provider may prescribe prescription eye drops that contain medications like cyclosporine or lifitegrast. These prescription eye drops help to reduce inflammation and improve tear production, providing long-lasting relief for dry eyes.

4. Lifestyle Changes

In addition to using eye drops and warm compresses, making certain lifestyle changes can significantly improve your dry eye symptoms. Some lifestyle modifications that can help include:

  • Blinking more frequently, especially when reading or looking at a computer screen for extended periods of time
  • Drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day to stay hydrated
  • Taking regular breaks from digital devices to give your eyes a rest
  • Using a humidifier in your environment to add moisture to the air

By incorporating these lifestyle changes, you can reduce the strain on your eyes and prevent further aggravation of dryness.

Remember, it’s essential to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new treatment regimen for your dry eyes. They can help determine the underlying cause of your dryness and provide personalized recommendations for effective treatment.

Self-care Measures For Dry Eyes

When it comes to alleviating the discomfort caused by dry eyes, self-care measures play a vital role. Implementing lifestyle changes and adopting simple practices can help relieve dry eye symptoms and improve overall eye health. In this section, we will explore some effective self-care measures that can provide relief to those suffering from dry eyes.

Blink More Frequently

One of the simplest yet often overlooked remedies for dry eyes is blinking more frequently. Blinking helps spread the tears evenly across the surface of the eyes, keeping them moist and lubricated. However, during activities that require intense focus, such as reading or using electronic screens, we tend to blink less. This can result in increased evaporation of tears and exacerbate dry eye symptoms.

Take Breaks From Screens

Staring at screens for prolonged periods can strain the eyes and contribute to dryness. To alleviate dry eye symptoms, it is essential to take regular breaks from screens. The 20-20-20 rule is a helpful guideline to follow – every 20 minutes, shift your gaze to an object 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This allows the eyes to relax and prevents strain.

Use Humidifiers In Dry Environments

Dry air can worsen dry eye symptoms. Using humidifiers in dry environments, especially during winter or in air-conditioned rooms, can help add moisture to the air and prevent excessive eye dryness. Humidifiers help maintain a comfortable level of humidity, reducing the evaporation of tears and providing relief to dry eyes.

Stay Hydrated

Proper hydration plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal eye health. Dehydration can contribute to dry eyes, as the body may not produce enough tears to keep the eyes adequately lubricated. It is essential to drink enough water throughout the day to stay hydrated and promote tear production. Consider keeping a water bottle nearby as a reminder to drink water regularly.

How to Fix Dry Eyes


Frequently Asked Questions For How To Fix Dry Eyes

How Do You Treat Dry Eyes Naturally?

To naturally treat dry eyes, try these remedies: 1. Use warm compresses or a warm eye mask. 2. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. 3. Use artificial tears periodically throughout the day. 4. Practice good blinking habits, especially while using screens.

5. Take regular breaks from the computer screen.

What Are 3 Causes Of Dry Eye?

The three main causes of dry eye are illness (such as rheumatoid arthritis or Sjogren’s syndrome), hormonal changes (menopause or pregnancy), and poor blinking habits while using digital devices or reading for extended periods.

Can Dry Eye Be Restored?

Dry eyes can be managed with treatments such as artificial tears and warm compresses. However, there is currently no cure for dry eyes. In some cases, a doctor may recommend an eye procedure like minor gland salivary autotransplant.

Do Dry Eyes Heal On Their Own?

Dry eyes can go away on their own or last a long time, depending on the cause. While there is no cure for dry eye syndrome, there are treatments available to manage the symptoms. These include using artificial tears, warm compresses, and taking breaks from screens.

It’s best to consult a doctor for personalized advice.


Dry eyes can be a challenging and uncomfortable condition to deal with, but there are effective remedies available. From using warm compresses and artificial tears to practicing good blinking habits and taking breaks from digital screens, there are various options to relieve dry eyes.

It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best treatment plan for your specific needs. Remember, while there may not be a cure, managing dry eyes can significantly improve your quality of life.

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